Photos from City Access New York programs and events.
2021 - Beeping Egg Hunt
Thank you to everyone who came out to our 3rd annual Beeping Egg Hunt! The day started with clouds and a little drizzle but when the sky cleared we had a beautiful day filled with laughter and smiles, even behind our masks!
2020 - Celebrating Black History Month
City Access New York celebrates Black History Month by creating artwork and making presentations about prominent figures who changed the course for African Americans.
2019 - Achievement Dinner & Auction Gala
City Access New York would like to thank everyone who helped make our Reach for the Stars Gala a great success! It is because of the dedication from our sponsors and the community that we are able to continue providing unique programs to individuals who are developmentally disabled and are visually impaired.
Thank you everyone!
2019 - Annual Art Show
Titled “I am…” and hosted at the Living Gallery, this year showcased the artwork produced by our talented artists within our Day Habilitation Program exploring identity, self-discovery, unexpected potential, and expression through evocative self-portraiture.
2019 - Beeping Egg Hunt
City Access New York held their 2nd Annual Beeping Egg Hunt on the grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Gardens on Wednesday, April 24th.
2019 - Vocation at Staples
Participants working at Staples as part of the Vocational Services at City Access New York. Teamwork is an essential part of our program.
2019 - Metropolitan Museum
Day Hab participants spent a great day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They began with a tour of various exhibits and then they made some art of their own.
2018 - Social Media Safety Presentation @ Brooklyn Dayhab
Participants in our Brooklyn DayHab received an informative presentation from Holly Bonner, regarding 10 Ways to Stay Safe on Social Media. Participants discussed what platforms they most often utilize and the importance of "pausing before they post."
2018 - Bowl-A-Thon
1st Annual Bowl-A-Thon was held on January 27th at Rab’s Country Lanes in Staten Island. It was an afternoon of bowling, pizza, raffles and a lot of fun!!! All proceeds from this event will help support the programs and services at City Access New York.
2018 - Beeping Egg Hunt
City Access New York's first annual Beeping Egg Hunt. A fun day filled with raffle baskets, a 50/50, games, crafts, prizes and of course an egg hunt with beeping eggs so the visually impaired were able to enjoy the hunt with everyone. All proceeds to benefit City Access New York's valuable programs supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and the visually impaired.
2017- Halloween
City Access New York Day Habilitation participants celebrate Halloween.
2017 - Therapeutic Garden Project
Participants receive awards for gardening and opening the space to the community at Dyker Beach Park as part of the Therapeutic Garden Project for People of All Abilities (TGPPAA).
2017 - Summer Moments
DayHab participants spend time at the zoo, visit the Coney Island boardwalk, and participate in Horticultural Therapy class.
2017 - Recycling Day
Day Hab participants learn the value of recycling with all proceeds going towards their next program trip.
2017 - Museums and the Arts
Immersing into arts and museums: Participants attend an art class and visit the Transit Museum and the Museum of Natural History.
2017 - Horticultural Therapy
A Glimpse into Horticultural Therapy: Participants visit Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Whole Foods, learn how to make herbal hand lotions and cork hot pads.
2017 - First Annual Golf Outing
A big thanks to all the attendees and a special thanks to Rita Morriale and Frank Wilkinson, our honorees for the event, for their dedication and compassion for people with developmental disabilities.
2017 - Field Day
Day Habilitation participants enjoy a Field Day playing basketball, baseball, and other sports.
2017 - Brooklyn Public Library Exhibit
Participants join Anne Mourier, an artist who in her performace piece demonstrates the soothing quality of doing basic tasks. The exhibit is presented by the Brooklyn Public Library.
2017 - Art Contest
In June of this year, the Brooklyn Family Support Service Advisory Council held their 7th annual Awards Day. This year, they held an art contest with the theme of "Greatest Places in Brooklyn". Contestants submitted art pieces celebrating their community and what they love about it.
City Access New York groups, led by our art teacher Kylene Kasch, worked diligently over the course of a month to put together pieces for the contest. All together we submitted 7 pieces including a group mural of Coney Island.
The results of the contest came in and we are proud to report that our young artists won multiple awards! A trophy was won for best group project and one participant came in second place over all! City Access New York is very proud of our young artists and everyone was very excited to contribute towards a project that celebrates our beautiful borough of Brooklyn!
2017 - Art as a Learning Tool
From Conceptual to Practical: Participants learn about freedom, identity, making good choices and recognition of safety signs.
2016 - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Participants visit the MET: take a tour of the museum, attend art sessions, paint, and meet City Access New York Board of Directors.
A special thanks to Amelia and her family! Amelia's painting has been chosen to be used for the promotion of City Access New York 1st Annual Achievement Award Gala.
A big thank you also goes to Rose Handy and Roland Thomas for coming out and supporting our participants in this art exploration.
2016 - Memorial Day Bar-B-Que
During the Memorial Day weekend participants honor our veterans at Dyker Beach Park near Knights of Columbus building. One big happy family!
2016 - Planting Seeds
Participants learning the basics of gardening. Planting seeds to be put in front of the Knights of Columbus building in Brooklyn.
2016 - Handmade Birthday Artwork
Participants prepair beautiful handmade artwork in celebration of Fran's Birthday. Francesca Farin is a DayHab coordinator at City Access New York.
2016 - Dance Team
We are proud to announce City Access New York's new dance team! A special thanks to head coaches Nichelle Berry and Marie LeBlanc for facilitating the team's first dance off.
2016 - Breast Cancer Awareness
In October, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, participants work together to make pink ribbons in order to support the cause.
2016 - Art Class
Participants are learning how to make jewelry in an art class. A special thanks to Cai Crumble for making art an integral part of the program.
2015 - Sports Day
A day out playing outdoor sports at the Kings Bay Youth Organization.
2015 - Spirit Cruises
Respite and Day Hab Participants enjoying an afternoon of Dinning and Dancing on the Hudson.