Human +

picture of a building with trees surrounding it

Abilities!, a member of the Museum Access Consortium, is a partner in a National Science Foundation-funded project, tentatively titled Human +.  The New York Hall of Science museum is leading the development a new exhibit about how technology is used to expand human abilities.The exhibit will be built at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and will travel to numerous other science museums around the country.  One main focus of the exhibit will be how people with disabilities use a variety of technologies to help narrow the gap between what they want to accomplish and what they are able to do unassisted. 

The input of people experiencing a variety of functional limitations is being incorporated into both the content and the design of the exhibit. Further perspective is being provided by family members and professionals working in the realms of disability and technology.  Human + is slated to open in April of 2013. 

For more information, contact Susan Fridie
of the Nathaniel H. Kornreich Technology Center at Abilities!
([email protected]).